Water meter chamber
Water meter chambers are used to install measuring equipment. They are made on the basis of SPS structural pipes of any colour and diameter ranging from 600 mm to 3500 mm.The units we produce have adjustable stiffness ranging from 2 to 16 kN/m 2, selected depending on the depth of installation and ground conditions.
We distinguish the following types of water meter chambers:
- With a vertical axis of foundation with a loading chamber – the loading chamber is usually used in difficult ground and water conditions;
- With a vertical foundation axis without a loading chamber

- With a horizontal axis of foundation as an alternative to a vertical structure, which allows for the installation of much more extensive fittings while cost reduction.

As a standard, chambers are equipped with a manhole vent and connection stubs (bare end, tight passages, flanged stub pipe). Additionally, wells with a horizontal axis of foundation are equipped with a floor made of grooved PEHD boards.